Wherein I write about things that interest me….

Authentication Bypass on Zyxel D1000 (Eircom) Router

The Eircom D1000 Zyxel Router

Eircom, an ISP in Ireland, supplies a branded version of the Zyxel D1000 router with their DSL broadband offerings. The web interface is protected, as one might expect, by a login&password challenge. All good, one might think. However, if you look at the source of the login page, located at;/cgi-bin/login.html;you might find an interesting surprise.

;function DefaultPasswdNote_check() { ; ; ; ; var random_passwd = 01282e7c08b4; ; ; ; ; var current_passwd = xxxxxxxxx; // ; ; ;alert(current_passwd + +random_passwd); ; ; ; ; if(current_passwd != random_passwd ){ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; $(#defaultPassNote).hide(); ; ; ; ; ;} }

The admin password can be seen in this function, as;current_passwd. I have obviously replaced mine with x’s (it was hunter2). I have verified this vulnerability on a number of D1000 routers. If the web GUI is exposed to the outside world… well, bad things will happen.

The only mitigations are -; ;;;;1. Ensure the web GUI is not exposed to the outside world (WAN), LAN and WIFI only.

;;;;2. Ensure you have a strong WPA2 key.
